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Global Advocacy and Engagement

Community Conversations and Kilomba Network of Black Brazilian Immigrant Women: Online monthly community-engaged  events that create a safe and informative space for Black Brazilian women immigrants, discussing discuss a variety of topics that pertains to their livelihoods. Join us every second Tuesday of the month via Zoom.

2nd Annual Defend Black Women March, Washington D.C. - Honoring the legacy of Marielle Franco and in solidarity and celebration of Black feminisms in Latin America. The March is a global call to action to protect Black women, girls & gender-expansive people across borders.

UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, and participatory meeting with Brazilian Minister of Racial Equality Anielle Franco, where we proposed joint actions. We also spoke at a civil society meeting with the UN Mission of Brazil, and took part in the exchange agenda of the Black Alliance for the End of Violence, a project by ELAS+.

“Matriarchs” is a community conversation and an artistic-musical-literary intervention about the transnational journey of the Brazilian African diaspora, linking the past, present, and future of the Black Brazilian immigration in the United States. Join us at the  Countee Cullen Library, New York, on May 7.

International Solidarity: We are raising funds to support the National Fundraising Campaing for Emergency Actions Against Hunder and Violence During the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil. The campaign mapped 222.895 families in vulnerable situations that will benefit from food baskets delivered directly to them.

Justice for Miguel Otávio: Join the international week of action for Miguel Otávio.

COVID-19 Resources:

  • Fundraising campaign to support Brazilian communities impacted by the pandemic in the New York Metropolitan area.

  • COVID-19 Resources For Brazilian Communities in New York and New Jersey (in Portuguese). First Edition here.

Mental health, reparations, and racial justice - with Diva Moreira, an iconic activist of the Brazilian Black movement. Conversation moderated by and moderated by Clélia Prestes.

Workshops and Events

  • Curso: Feminismo Negro e Favelado. Março de 2020. Mais>



  • Negritude Brasileira Ocupando o Mundo: Série de workshops para estudantes negres brasileires que desejam fazer pós graduação nos Estados Unidos. Outubro de 2020. Videos> Evento>

  • Currículo e entrevista de emprego nos EUA: Workshop gratuito de desenvolvimento profissional para mulheres negras brasileiras. Abril de 2021. Mais>


  • People’s movements with Lula in power: challenges and opportunities
    A conversation between Brazil and U.S. activists.  March 1, 2023. The People's Forum, New York. In collaboration with UNEafro Brasil, Movement for Black Lives,  ANSWER coalition, Defend Democracy in Brazil Committee, USNDB- Afro-Brazilian Rights Committee, and DSA International Committee).

  • Join us for an inspiring and celebratory event in March! Tomorrow, we’ll have an engaging discussion with lawyer Rafaela Garreta on immigration, writer Ane Costa, and musician Víviam Caroline to celebrate Março de Lutas on Kilomba’s Instagram at 7 PM (US) and 8 PM (Brazil).

  • 1ª Conferência Internacional de Mulheres Negras Intelectuais Brasileiras: Quilombo como Solidariedade Negra Global no Passado, Presente e Futuro. Evento organizado em parceria com o Instituto de Estudos Latino-Americanos da Universidade de Columbia. Mais>

  • Black Lives Matter Across the Americas: Juventude Negra e a Luta pela Justiça Racial. Evento organizado em parceria com o David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies e a Harvard University. Mais>

  • Dificuldades econômicas e vacinação em comunidades negras no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos. Fevereiro de 2021. Mais>

  • 41º aniversário de Marielle Franco: Comemorando Seu Legado e Homenageando Marielles no Mundo. Julho de 2020. Mais>

  • Cinema negro, ancestralidade e libertação: comemorando o mês da história Negra do Brasil. Novembro, 2019. Mais >

  • Centrando Feminismos Negros Brasileiros. Mais>

  • A guerra global contra pessoas Negras e nossa resistência global. Organizado por AfroResistance. Co-organizador: Kilomba Collective.  Junho, 2020. Mais >

  • Maternidade negra como imigrante durante a crise do COVID-19. Mais>

  • Um ano depois: Desigualdades raciais e de gênero na saúde. Março de 2021. Mais>

  • Vigília Internacional por Justiça, Ação e em Memória de João Alberto Silveira Freitas e Inúmeras Pessoas Negras Vítimas de Violência. Mais>

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